Event Dates for 2021
Meadowbrooke Gourds 2021 Save the Dates
125 Potato Road Carlisle, PA 17015
Phone: 717-776-6029
Please note: Dates may change with updates to Covid regulations
- Spring Create Your Own: March 6 & 7, March 13 & 14, March 20 & 21*
- Spring Sale at the farm: March 19-27
- Spring Oops Sale: April 2 & 3
- Egg Hunt: April 17 (Rain date is April 24)
- Summer Celebration/Oops Sale: July 17
- Sunflower Festival/Oops Sale: September 25 & 26
- Fall Create Your Own: October 2 & 3, October 9 & 10, October 16 & 17*
- Fall Sale at the Farm: October 16-23
- Black Friday/Small Business Saturday Sale: November 26 & 27
- Winter Create Your Own: December 4 & 5, December 11 & 12. December 18 & 19*
- Winter Sale at the Farm: December 26-30
*We may add a third weekend depending on interest for our Create Your Own events
Detailed information can be found on our website as it becomes available:
www.mbgourds.com under Farm Events